Councils & Commissions

The Pastoral Council represents the parishioners and is consultative body acting in an advisory capacity to the pastor. Together with the pastor, the Council promotes the following of Jesus as Prophet, Priest and Servant-King. The Council provides a vehicle whereby the laity of the parish share with the Pastor the responsibility for shaping and guiding the mission of the parish through open and constructive communication. They collaborate with the other Councils and Commissions and the parish staff to carry out the parish mission, vision, strategic plans and goals.

The Holy Spirit Pastoral Council meets on the first Tuesday of the month.  Each Pastoral Council member also serves on one of these Commissions: Worship, Service or Formation.  A Pastoral Council member serves a term for three years and can serve up to two consecutive terms.  Nominations for new Council members come from the parish community and are voted on by the Council.  New members are seated on the Council during the September meeting.

The Finance Council of Holy Spirit Parish oversees the fiduciary responsibilities of the parish.  This Council approves the annual budget and sends it to the Pastoral Council.   Finance Council meets monthly at the parish offices.