

Parishioners give frequently to the wood food bin at the entrance of church.  Thank you for your generosity.   St. Vincent de Paul takes the donations and distributes.  Thank you, because of your help we are able to keep filling food boxes for the hungry individuals & families we see on a daily basis.

Many Blessings, Staff & Volunteers.



Kids N Cans


Children are encouraged to begin practicing a lifetime of stewardship by bringing non-perishable food item from home to church.  During the time of the collection at Mass, they make their offering, placing it in the basket on the altar steps.  The Kids N Cans collection has helped so many families through St. Jude Conference, St. Martin de Poores’ food pantry.

We thank you for being so generous. Delivering food is only a part of how we serve those in need.  We encourage anyone who would like to join us in our work to call 788-2291 or 788-6914.  St. Jude is a Conference of St. Martin de Porres.





You can be Santa to others through food baskets and Giving Tree tags through St. Vincent de Paul!

You have been Santa for others! The amount of gifts you brought is overwhelming!  On average 450 gifts are donated to families through St. Vincent de Paul!  To see their faces & reactions!  They were so appreciative, tears, and gratitude poured from the families.

Christmas Food Baskets!  Thank you for your generosity.  In general, over 155 bags have been donated to St. Vincent de Paul!