Local Relief and Crisis Aid: Through generous parishioner donations from the Yellow Envelope or Electronic Contributions, we collect over $24,000. we are able to disperse needed assistance to 130 individuals and families; often for food, deposit on housing, rental assistance, auto issues, utilities, and more. Monthly we support these organizations: St. Martin de Porres, Family Promise, Echoz Pregnancy Center, and through the local food bank to the parishes in Rocky Boy and Browning.
This is all made possible through the generosity of parishioners who contribute to the Holy Spirit Catholic Church Relief Fund. Holy Spirit Parish helps families and individuals through agencies such as St. Jude, St. Vincent de Paul, Opportunities Incorporated, Community Resource Center, Family Promise, and others. We pray in gratitude for the donors and the recipients, that they know and experience the peace and grace of a loving God.
Through our annual Lenten Rice Bowl Collection, Holy Spirit Parish contributs nearly $4,500 to Catholic Relief Services. Holy Spirit Catholic School also participates in this Lenten project with a percentage of their collection going to a local charity of their choice. Through CRS collections every diocese gives 25% of the donations to a local charity of their choice.
Annually, Holy Spirit Parish has an Advent Giving Tree, with all gifts going to St. Vincent de Paul for distribution. Our Advent tree brings in hundreds of gifts for children from ages 0-18. Holy Spirit Catholic School also has an Advent Giving Tree. They were able to give over 30 gifts to St. Vincent.