Welcome from Father Dick

Greetings from the parish community of Holy Spirit Parish and School!  

We hope you can take a little time to let us introduce ourselves to you and, hopefully, welcome you to be a part of our family of faith.  As you review our parish website,  you will notice that we are involved in quite a variety of ministries at Holy Spirit.  We emphasize stewardship as our model of ministry with the goal of giving each person the opportunity to share her or his gifts and talents with us and the larger civic community here in Great Falls.  We’re confident that you will see a ministry that fits your spirituality and stewardship expectations.  Our religious formation programs cover all ages and include our parish school that has classes for 3 year olds through the eighth grade as well as extended care for any students.  If you have any questions, please contact us and we’ll be happy to answer them for you.  God bless you, and thank you for giving us a look!