Explore & Expand Your Faith With Knowledge

Mountains and Mediators:
A Survey of the Old Testament
Mondays 6:30pm in the Parish Hall
September 30th - October 28th
The Fathers of the Church have called Scripture "love letters from God," but for many Catholics, that description doesn't fit the Old Testament. What is the meaning of all these tedious laws, ancient stories, and accounts of battles? How can it be God's Word for us today?
In this series of talks, Dr. Bergsma argues that the Old Testament presents a compelling message of one creator God who is constantly working to draw humanity into his love. This bond of love is called "covenant." As Dr. Bergsma works systematically through the most important books of the Old Testament, anticipation mounts as it becomes clearer and clearer that the Old Testament looks beyond itself to the coming of One who will offer to humanity a new and everlasting covenant.
This series of talks will be helpful to religion teachers, catechists, Bible study leaders, parents, and any Catholics who wish to understand the Bible better and share their Faith. Also available is the New Testament volume, building off of this Old Testament course.
Dr. John Bergsma, former Protestant minister, holds a doctorate in Scripture from the University of Notre Dame, and serves as Associate Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville.
Fall 2024 Bible Study
September 29-November 17
Experience the Joy of Following Christ
Following Christ takes more than simply believing in him or doing what he asks of us. Jesus wants you to be more than just a believer—he wants you to be his disciple and friend. Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John is your guide to a personal encounter with Christ. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus seeks us. He comes to meet us and beckons us to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved us. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. In this study you will learn what it takes to follow Christ and discover the joy of divine friendship. You will see how God, and only God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.