It’s YOUR Turn~Snack Schedule

Your support of our Sunday night snack for the youth is much appreciated. As you know we do not charge for our Youth Ministry programs and in an effort to keep our costs in check this is a ministry that I am asking each family that has registered youth in our program to be a part of.
Here is the schedule for the Sunday nights in January & the first week of February where we will need snacks. There is a list of names and a suggested snack for the night. The person at the top of the list in bold type is the coordinator for that particular Sunday and will contact the others on the list to divvy up the items needed for the snack. We have had about 50-60 youth and 12 adults present each Sunday.
On the Sunday that you are scheduled to help out you will need to be at the Sts. Peter and Paul Center kitchen by 7:00pm to set up (8 long white tables & chairs) and prepare the snack. We will be in the gym by 8:00pm to eat the snack. The youth ministry program will provide cups, bowls, napkins, utensils, etc. for each snack and will also have a beverage available. Beyond providing a snack for the youth it is wonderful for the teens to see their parents and the parents of their peers present on Sunday night. With this in mind please know that it is my hope that each family scheduled on a Sunday doesn’t just drop off their portion of the snack but remains to help set up, serve, and clean up the snack, it is a wonderful time to interact with the youth of our parish.
Please know that this is an important piece to our success in Youth Ministry. If you have any questions regarding this ministry please do not hesitate to give me a call.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers for a successful year of youth ministry!

January 8, 2017: Taco in a Bag
Suggested Items: Taco Meat, Small bags of Doritos, lettuce, shredded cheddar cheese, tomatoes, onions, olives, sour cream, guacamole, salsa, etc.
Steve & Jen Jonasen 799-0961
Young & Paul Boland 452-2888
Jerry & Sandy Harrington 454-9090
Keith & Amy Hollenback 799-8758
Patrick & Amy Watt 454-0447

January 15, 2017: Ham & Cheese Sliders (recipe attached)
Suggested items: See attached recipe.
Wendy & Jack Newman 788-8837
Matthew & Cynthia Armstrong 761-5943
Brandon & Angela Costley 452-0348
Justin & Megan Kambic 403-2889
Mary & John Lewis 781-3728

January 22, 2017: Soup & Bread
Suggested Items: Several different types of soup and breads.
Ann & Jon Ambuehl 868-8098
Laurie Lincoln 788-0501
Vicky Lising 899-7704
Lindy & Mike Scally 788-5846
Mike & Kandace Stimac 453-3656

January 29, 2017: Loaded Nachos
Suggested Items: Cheddar Cheese Sauce, Salsa, Sour Cream, Taco Meat, Shredded Cheddar Cheese, Guacamole,
Olives, Refried Beans, Tortilla Chips, etc.
Renee & Eric Vincent 836-2614
Kris & Craig Warren 855-7417
Jeff & Wendy Baker 788-2876
Anita & Patrick Byrne 452-0619
Janice & Jeff Fauque 450-0918

February 5, 2017: Sandwich Bar
Suggested items: Deli Meat, Cheese, Bread, Pickles, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mayo, Mustard, etc.
Kellie & Ryan Grandone 727-3868
Londa & Ryan Hart 453-8293
Keith & Phalynda Lusnia 440-227-3604
Chris & Cathie Mee 836-9862
Jamie Williams & Cory Hessel 727-0202