Stewardship Committee

The purpose of the Stewardship Committee is to encourage parishioners to practice Christian stewardship as an expression of gratitude to God for his many gifts. Christian Stewardship is a way of life. It is the belief that all things are gifts from God, and God in turn asks us to be good stewards of these gifts. Through our individual gifts of time, talent and treasure, and as Christian Disciples, we are all responsible for nurturing and increasing God’s gifts, while kindly sharing them with others in the world. Catholic stewardship leads us to develop a need to give, rather than merely giving to a need.

“Now, there are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (1 Corinthians: 4-7)

Time and Talent: The Spirit manifests in all of us our individual God given talents. We all have these gifts and, as wise stewards of God’s Word, we exercise them in all liturgies, ministries, programs, councils, and committees. All are important and all prisoners’ talents are helpful, in fact required, to the Discipleship of Christ. There are many ways parishioners can use their gifts of talent and time for the benefit of our parish. Each January we celebrate our parish stewardship through witnessing stewardship talks at mass and during the fall we host a stewardship fair to let you know about specific needs. You are always invited, however, to pledge and commit to sharing your time and talent. Please let us know of your talents and availability by filling in the TIME and TALENT FORM.

Treasure: “Where your treasure is,” he says, “there is your heart”.  (Mt. 6:21) Stewardship is giving or sharing of our treasure.   Treasure is different for each person (although most of us think about monetary treasure when we reflect on Stewardship: time, Talent, Treasure).  What gifts are we each blessed with that we can share with our faith community?  What treasures do you have that can nurture another person’s spiritual needs?  There are several ministries at Holy Spirit Parish that are in need of individuals to steward within our Parish.