Youth Ministry

Grades 6-12
Holy Spirit Catholic Parish strives to create a dynamic youth program that accompanies youth through the ministry of accompaniment in their faith journey. The youth group works to create holy and likeminded fellowship for young people and to further their relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. In the words of the great Saint John Paul the II, he says, "Dear young people, like the first disciples, follow Jesus! Do not be afraid to draw near to him, to cross the threshold of his dwelling, to speak with him, face to face, as you talk with a friend (cf. Ex 33:11). Do not be afraid of the "new life" he is offering. He himself makes it possible for you to receive that life and practice it, with the help of his grace and the gift of his Spirit." At Holy Spirit we encourage youth to not only learn to be their most authentic selves but also how to create and cultivate an interior life of prayer and faith along with their friends.
All are welcome whether they are members of the Parish or not, or of the Catholic tradition or not.
If parents / guardians want to stop in and see what we do they are welcome. Volunteers however must be Safe Environment Certified with the Diocese of Great Falls/Billings.
Please reach out to Katie Steinke at Holy Spirit to be put on our Flocknote text and email list as updates weekly go out through this platform.
Upcoming Activities

Holy Spirit Middle & High School Youth Group Calendar
We will meet Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm (including dinner) in Sts. Peter & Paul.
The first Youth group of the year is Wednesday September 25th.
Calendar below reflects “special or different events”
Once a month we will also be participating in the “Family of Faith” events. These are for all ages and family events. These event nights are marked with an *
Bolded Events are High School or Middle School only.
Our Mission
Holy Spirit Youth Ministry stands as a beacon of empowerment, dedicated to cultivating the seeds of leadership within the young souls of our Church. We recognize and celebrate the unique gifts that each young person brings to our community, fostering an environment where these gifts can flourish and radiate their brilliance far beyond our parish boundaries.
Our sacred duty is to provide a guiding light for the spiritual and social aspirations of our youth. Through carefully curated activities, mentorship, and unwavering support, our leadership team is committed to shepherding our youth towards a profound and steadfast growth in their Christian faith. In doing so, we pave the path for a future where our young leaders will confidently navigate the complexities of the world, fueled by their unwavering faith and fortified by a strong sense of community.
Our mission is not merely to educate but to inspire, not just to guide but to empower, and not only to connect but to ignite a flame of purpose that will continue to burn brightly in the hearts of our youth for generations to come.
Don’t miss out and if you have any questions please contact Katie Steinke at katie@holyspiritgf.org.
Come See
What It's All About!
Every Wednesday at 6pm
Youth RCIA room
Sts. Peter and Paul Center
(Across street from Parish)